Hello blogging world! I have decided after slight consideration to start my own blog. My family and I have our own blog, and without any hesitation or embarrassment I am admitting that I check it daily and love posting new experiences and thoughts onto the wonderful online family newsletter. So it was about time to create my own right? I love reading family members' blogs, my friends, and complete stranger's blogs. I want to be considered just as creative as the blogs I admire and check up on from time to time. I hope to bring the readers just as much laughter, thought-provoking posts, maybe some tears, and heart warming experiences that I have been blessed to come across myself.
So hello! Let me start off by explaining the name of my blog. I wanted to think of something creative, or witty, or inspirational, but what I came up with was something that only my family and I would smile at. There are 4 sisters in my family and each of us have a nickname bestowed upon us for life from my mom. There is Becca Noonie, Megaria, Seesa Beesa, and lastly Daniella Bella. So at the start of this blog, which can be considered an extension of my personality for others to enjoy, it will start with a title that is a dedication to my family. Even though I am sure that my family members are the only ones to look at this blog, to anyone else who may stumble upon this rambling...my family is amazing. The blog title is a tribute to them, but it doesn't even come close to how much I care about them. They are kind, loving, hilarious, and so full of spunk it is ridiculous! My mom nicknamed me Daniella Bella for who knows why! Maybe it was an attempt to butter me up to get me to wear the bows, pantyhoes, and flowery dresses as a kid. In my opinion though, it is because my family and everything that goes with them is what makes me beautiful.
Okay, enough of the sappiness for one post. Bottom line: Hello blog world! I'll be in touch! :)
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In her opening title, she never even said Hello!
Congrats Dani and welcome to the blogoshere.
Love, Nana & Grandad
So happy to be able to enjoy the fruits of your creative and talented mind, by Daniella Bella. I'm proud of you. Love Mom
DANI! i'm super excited that you made one! i will read it all the time. You are the best. miss you. :)
p.s. you have a great way of writing. love it
Cool beans, Dani! You're blogging like a pro and you just started one! Will check often!
Very cool Dani. I am impressed by the opening greeting of Ni Hao too. Makes me think of Creed. :) Okay, and of the nicknames you listed, mine sounds the least flattering. Oh well. :) Very excited about your blog and can't wait to read more!
And by the way, thank you for the lovely tribute to the fam.
Yay DANI!!! You know I love reading yours and Kaori's blogs! Welcome to the blogging world. Maybe I will get back to updating mine. LOVE YOU CHICA!!
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