“Pick the day. Enjoy it - to the hilt. The day as it comes. People as they come... The past, I think, has helped me appreciate the present - and I don't want to spoil any of it by fretting about the future.” ~Audrey Hepburn

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

More Sweet and Sours

So to keep on the somewhat tradition of "sweet and sours", and to take a much needed break from studying, this post is venting on and on about me with a cute title.

Sweets: well no. Let's start with the sours and end with a happy note.

Sours: my brain is dead. need a break from wedding planning talk. get a break...oh wait! i have to study. i have two exams today that i hope to do somewhat decently on. got the flu and still recovering ugh. and when i stop and think about all the things that i need to get done and all the things i need to add to the list i suddenly realize each time that there will be no time to take a break without wasting time for something else on the list and that for the next couple weeks there will be no break at all.

Sweets: I have a wonderful guy that is taking care of me, especially during and after the flu and makes me happy every day. (sorry to get to sappy and all mushy-gushy. if you are single or don't feel like being that joyful due to your sour at the moment...feel free to puke and read this post with disgust and disdain and laugh at the twitter-pattedness in this post and the people mentioned. Another sweet is that all this brain killing work does have an end and there will be a wonderful time where i can have a down time. Another sweet is that i wrote all of that without any thought towards grammer and proper capitalization and what not. it's the little things. ;)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Attn Reader: Keep this information to yourself

So yesterday I had the great and very privileged opportunity to go with Mark to his uncle's farm. I got to ride in the combine, go for a nice quading ride, ate some yummy sandwiches, and as Mark and I were in one combine and his brother Ryan in the other. Mark tells me to sit on his lap and he let me drive! Then a few seconds later he slid over and I was driving by myself. Of course Mark was telling me what to do and yadda yadda yadda. Well as the day went on, and as the harvested barley was increasing in size, it came down to it that the full semi's of barley had to be taken back to the old yard to be emptied. But there was a problem, both Mark and Ryan needed to empty the trucks. That meant one thing had to be done....I had to combine all by myself. Ryan asked me if I was okay doing it. I asked Mark if I was okay doing it. Mark gave the okay, I gave the okay, Ryan gave the okay and that's it! I am now a farmer! I picked up the swathed fields and emptied it into the truck all by myself! I cranked up the radio and had an absolute blast. Finally I got the radio that I should go back to the old yard and turn off the combine to have some dinner. After dinner we went back out and combined more. It was a lot of fun!! I got to learn something completley new by a really great teacher!! Now this has to be kept a secret from Mark's aunt and uncle because this is not very good information to let out. But I am blogging about it because there are only TWO people that read my blog, my two oldest sisters! Hello sisters! So here you go Megan, another blog post, and for both of you a good story. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

LIfe Lately

Life lately has been boring and eventful at the same time! And as cliche as this sounds, my life has definitely been up and down. Good and bad. Sweets and sours. I'll just list a few of each.

I have had a lot of opportunities to go camping this summer. Was able to go to B.C. at Koocanusa Lake and despite the shady weather had a lot of fun! It was one of those experiences that you remember for a while because of the relationships you build with people. My second camping excursion was Girl's Camp. This time I was a leader and wow is it ever a difference! I love being a leader! It was really cool to see how the girls interacted with each other and to laugh with them. You notice soooo much more as a leader than just a participant. For example how much the girls actually look up to you! It is intimidating and really flattering. Hopefully I was a good enough example at camp for the girls. I know they were a big example to me and they all taught me so much. I was really impressed with how strong thier testimonies are, what trials they have already faced at such a young age, their unity-not one cat fight the whole camp, how much they are willing and happy to serve, how much they look out for eachother, creativity, and of course their energy! haha. There are a lot more attributes they have that I look up to...but I don't want to make the list too long. Bottom line is that I grew to love all the girls immensly in such a short amount of time and am very impressed by their strength, values, and light. The most recent camping trip is to Rumrunner Days. Or Thunder in the Valley. Whichever you want to call it, it was AWESOME! There were quite a few sours on this trip but altogether it was really fun. It was a whole group of friends that went and we tented it on the side of the road in the hills. We finally found the perfect spot and set up camp. This included pulling out the cooler with all the food and goodies! My friend Ashley, Brad, and I went grocery shopping before we left and packed a cooler full of food. We were only packing food for the first night, breakfast, and then snacks. We figured we would eat in town the rest of our meals. Unfortunatly Ashley and I overshopped. Fortunatly we did not eat in town and ate at our campsites for all of our meals. Unfortunatly all of our meals were hot dogs and someone put the hot dog buns in the cooler so they were just a soggy mess at the end of our second day. We went to the fair and rode The Zipper twice! Watched the parade, looked at all the sweet cars in the Show N' Shine, and I bought a soft bald eagle blanket. Yes I think this camping trip was a definite success. And to top off the trip we all watched an amazing firework show, which filled up the whole sky and echoed off the mountains surrounding us. There are always abundant amount of sweets when it comes to camping. The sour is that I miss a lof of work.

Other sweets is that people come vacationing to you instead! Yes Megan, Jared, and Logan I am talking about you. I loved having you guys up here even though it was only for a short period of time. We still had fun playing games, laughing, and listening to G.G. stories. More sweets is that come in August I get to go back down to Utah to visit my sister and her family, but also one of my very best friends for her wedding! It's already crazy that so many people are catching on to this engagement fever and happen to all be around my age, but it's a whole new level of crazy when you are close to the person who now has a ring on her finger. So crazy! So exciting! So....swour! Get it? Sweet and sour! hahaha.

Recent major sours is that I am frustrated with myself lately. Because I feel like I have been very picky lately or very easily irritated. Well enough is enough! That's right bitter-sounding-Danielle I'm coming for ya. Watch it. I think I just need to let my thinking go with the times a bit more. Let me clarify. Let's say I am getting really frustrated with someone and they are being difficult for a few days in a row. The problem is that after this phase, you realize that you still think they are difficult when they aren't. You're thinking has to go with the times.

Other major sours are that I'm getting sick yet again. And I have to get a root canal. Double whammy! Well...both can be healed and there is the sweet.

There are many sours, but there are even more sweets. I think I need to start up again what my roommate and I once did and that is listing your tender mercy of the day. That way I can focus on the sweets more than the sours.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Leave of Absence

So I have been thinking and thinking of what to put as a new post. Within the past few weeks I have opened this window with the New Post box completely blank and ready to be spotted with ink (metaphorically speaking) and nothing. I couldn't think of anything. I have stories...but didn't know which one to put. I have funny things to make you laugh...but my fingers didn't type. I could always share something inspiring and heartwarming...but that never made it on the page either.

That's enough! I am breaking this leave of absence and just putting an end to the silence. There is no rhyme or reason to this post just to put a smile on your face and to have a new post other than the one saying that my room is a mess. Fact: I did clean my room up right away. Another Fact: My room has yet again been bombed and I am just finishing up with the wreckage. Well enjoy these videos! Take a leave of absence from your busy day and just simply enjoy the laughter.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Moment of Silence

Something terrible has happened. It has effected me terribly and I don't know how I found it, but I conjured up the strength to keep moving forward. I have to take a deep breath before I tell you what exactly happened.

Someone put a bomb in my closet and it blew up this afternoon. The total damage is tremendous and lives of a whole household have been effected. There are clothes everywhere around the closet and many hangers have been stripped bare. Only a few strong ones have remained with clothes still hanging on by the last thread. Who would commit such a crime against an innocent victim? It brings such great devastation to see such a random act that produces such chaos and scattered debris that looks like such a daunting task. There is a hero in this story though. I have bravely volunteered to clean up this terrible explosion. I have mustered up the will to trudge through the wreckage and battered clothes and repair what there is left. Provide company to those lost hangers and rebuild up the structure of my closet. It is a bold task but I am up for the challenge. It always feels good doing service. ;)

As my sister Annelisa would say, "Cleanliness is Godliness!"

Wish my luck on my endeavors. This catastrophe will not be a mess for long! My room will look normal again!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Backstage Pass

This past year I had decided to finally buckle down and achieve the impossible, face the daunting, and conquer all! I had committed myself to not only starting a journal but actually keep writing in it for once in my life. I have loved it ever since! Although I am not by any means a good journal keeper, it has given me more clarity of my own thoughts and of course helped me remember details in all of life's adventures. Including some my mother may not approve of....yes mom we went dirtbiking in the rain and that was unsafe. (Sorry). Well, the other day I was dancing along to the music in the car as usual. Oh Journey and Aerosmith how well you sing to my soul and inner air guitarist. I pulled up to a red light, singing as if someone was trying to listen to me in China with nothing but thier own bare ears, and then soulfully went into the guitar solo. Right then my consiousness of the outer world kicked in and I slowly turned my head to the left. I had an audience. At first it was just the passenger with a bewildered look on her face; then, she tapped her husband's arm and he popped his head and took a gander at this AMAZING performance. I paused and held eye contact with my fans still clutching my air guitar...then burst into laughing, cranked up the volume even louder and continued the concert. I'm still suprised that a pretty white van didn't meet me at the bank accompanied by my red light fans and two brauny men holding a straight jacket. haha! This experience reminded me of a journal entry. I have not read it in a while and I am deciding to just copy it onto this post without any hesitation. And if it ends up being embarrassing or not making any sense at all...well just one more thing to chuckle at. *Plus it is my blog after all. I can post whatever I like ;)

April 17, 2010

Today is a beautiful Saturday. I slept in as long as I could, woke up, showered, spent some time with roomies, then decided I would go get a free smoothie from McD's. After I did so, I didn't want to go home yet. I extended my errand into a lovely drive to just saok up the world. I knew as soon as I left my apartment I was going to have an adventure. This is why this adventure's playlist started off with "Play that Funky Music White Boy." After sippingo n my smoothie the songs turned to "Modern Nature", then lastly onto "Vaggabond" by Wolfmother (which I left of repeat). If you ever want to soak up the world - that is a good song to do it to. I saw a couple walking and holding hands patiently as her right leg was limp and slowed them down, saw a boy with his shirt off walking out his run checking himself out and smirking. Two cars weaving, speeding impatiently, and then seeing thier bright tail lights flash as they abruptly halted to a red light. Many people were enjoying the weather by walking, biking, jogging, skateboarding with friends, roommates, first dates, families, etc.. One that I saw and couldn't help but smile was a mom with two sons. The older sppeding ahead on his Razer Skooter giggling, and then the youngest with his mom. both smiling so big as he stood on the back of her electric wheelchair. Out of the many people, circumstances, attitudes, and conversations, relationships I saw.. those three were by far the happiest. I finished my drive with the mountains. At some point in all these observations I turned my music to shuffle and as this adventure comes to an end and this afternoon journal entry closes, out playlist fades off with "To love you more" by Celine Dion. haha. Try going through shuffle without pressing next at all. It will surprise you more than once. Now people will observe me with all windows down as Celine and I belt out a good song on a beautiful Saturday.

This was my one and only "artisticy" journal entry, but I hope that you enjoyed it. The other day at work after I finished backing up all thier groceries half an hour to close, the husband turns to me and says, "You know what is so amazing? Your smile is beautiful in your eyes as well." Remember to smile everyone. Happiness, love, and a warm and giving heart is one of the most beautiful things you can carry with you.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hola! Bonjour! Bienvenue! Nǐ hǎo! Bonjourno!

Hello blogging world! I have decided after slight consideration to start my own blog. My family and I have our own blog, and without any hesitation or embarrassment I am admitting that I check it daily and love posting new experiences and thoughts onto the wonderful online family newsletter. So it was about time to create my own right? I love reading family members' blogs, my friends, and complete stranger's blogs. I want to be considered just as creative as the blogs I admire and check up on from time to time. I hope to bring the readers just as much laughter, thought-provoking posts, maybe some tears, and heart warming experiences that I have been blessed to come across myself.

So hello! Let me start off by explaining the name of my blog. I wanted to think of something creative, or witty, or inspirational, but what I came up with was something that only my family and I would smile at. There are 4 sisters in my family and each of us have a nickname bestowed upon us for life from my mom. There is Becca Noonie, Megaria, Seesa Beesa, and lastly Daniella Bella. So at the start of this blog, which can be considered an extension of my personality for others to enjoy, it will start with a title that is a dedication to my family. Even though I am sure that my family members are the only ones to look at this blog, to anyone else who may stumble upon this rambling...my family is amazing. The blog title is a tribute to them, but it doesn't even come close to how much I care about them. They are kind, loving, hilarious, and so full of spunk it is ridiculous! My mom nicknamed me Daniella Bella for who knows why! Maybe it was an attempt to butter me up to get me to wear the bows, pantyhoes, and flowery dresses as a kid. In my opinion though, it is because my family and everything that goes with them is what makes me beautiful.

Okay, enough of the sappiness for one post. Bottom line: Hello blog world! I'll be in touch! :)